Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"No KaKa Where You Eat!" Bonus For Y'all: An Amazing Bo Diddley!

Chronicle of a Shrink's journey from youthful
know-it-all to old-fart astonishment.

Dawg my Katz if Zorny, Gawd of Instant Available Parking Places doesn't work in myterious ways! Shortly after the most recent Blawg Entry, Claudia of Hawaii e-mailed a tactful yet firm reminder of my sytematically screwing up the spelling of POTOMAC - as in "The Churchill of the Potomac." Systematic-Spelling-Screwups B-Me! I'm not gonna fall back on some lame F. Scott Fitzgerald couldn't spell. Or my Grade 4 teacher, Mrs. Beatty telling my dad: "Don't worry. Bobby will have a Secretary to spell for him when he grows up."
Here's what Claudia sent: Here's Our Churchill in New Orleans, August 2005.

While correcting that Screw-Up I tested the YouTube link that supposedly kicked on Will I. Am's "Yes We Can!" video with a cast of many which coordinates well with an early Barack Obama victory speech. Though it got a zillion "hits," my message read: Video has been damaged in tranfer.

No biggie. We Cerebral Palsy gimps get used to such messages. But BELOW that was a teeny sing-along YouTube of BO DIDDLEY with Bo, Kenny Rogers, Ronnie Hawkins and the late Jim Croce. Wow: One door closes, another opens! Nice but only 1:12 and an ad for the DVD. Here 'tis: But not enough!

A bit more looking and KA-BLAM! Here's Mr. Diddley in his prime years for over four-minutes! Hope you like it even half as much as I do.

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