Sunday, July 6, 2008

IslamoFascism? US Fascism? Nah! It's Just New-Pragmatism Season.

Chronicle of a journey from youthful
know-it-all to old-fart astonishment.

In 1933 80-ump year old Paul von Hindenberg was no Fascist when he made democratically elected Adolf the Chancellor of Germany. Nor at the time, technically, was Adolf who had to take the Berlin-to-Rome Express, met Mussolini who constructed Yes! An Imperial City-front made entirely of Stage-Props I'll take the words of Ernst Morrell and Karl Brandt, Adolf's personal physicians, who accompanied the health-conscious, veggie-eating future Fuhrer on this um...Fact-Finding mission One MD might lie or exaggerate but TWO? And what IF the scam
on Dr. Morrell comes from convicted Holocaust-Denier David Irving? So he's batshit crazy. So was my Watts Clinic Supervisor Dr. Paul L. who made taking 1971 CA State Boards a walk in the park. Irving's an ex-Oxford Don with a Nazi-fixation. One doesn't stay at Oxford by getting the Fuhrer's decades of daily medical charts all wrong. Let's skip the civil-right thickets as to why batshit crazy David Irving did time but gifted and equally
batshit crazy Dr. Paul L. didn't in two small "d" democracies. Go there and you hit a Road-Runner paradox. I pass on that thanks. Anyway Adolf saw all he wanted then caught the train back to Berchtesgarten.

Robert Jay Lifton is one of many mental health professionals who do wonderful work, go about their business, avoid Stupid Human Tricks by shrinks that make me think putting in 40-years as Night Sweep-Up guy at Mickey D's mighta a more honorable career choice. On the other hand I DID supervise grad student, now Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, long enough to phone the California School of Professional Psychology and ask:
"Exactly how did this loosely connected nerve net get into college much less into
your doctoral program?" Hey: Author/ Psychologist James Dobson now calls Joe "America's top authority on pre-Gay Toddlers." RESOURCE LIST: HOMOSEXUALITY RESOURCES BOOKS. Who knew?

Lifton's a wonderful "explainer." This morning,
age 77, Lifton quietly dismissed the notion of Bush-Cheney fascism by using the Senate appearance of Cheney-aide David Addington and John Yoo: "They [Bush administration] have been brilliant at tying everything they've done to democratic process, albeit a highly authoritarian democratic package....that's very distinct from the Fascism [under which] The Nazi Doctors
made their medical decisions." Immediately I thought of Reagan's UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick's Though-The-Looking-Glass measuring rod for what nations would get US military support and which would get Bitch-Slapped: "Traditional authoritarian governments are less repressive than revolutionary autocracies."[2]. Take one pill that makes you LARGER and one pill that makes you SMALL and one pill that doesn't do ANYTHING AT ALL.
Still confused? Call Grace Slick and the
Jefferson Airplane in the morning. Kirkpatrick then and Addington now can't help being smarter than Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

What have we learned? That Robert Jay Lifton's as smart as David
Addington; that The Nazi Doctors began weeding out those with "no useful life" gimps like Dr. Bawb before getting around to the Jews and the Gypsies; Bush-Cheney et al are small 'd' democrats and NOT Fascists. We learned Nancy Pelosi was, is, always will be the Self-Admirer who took impeachment off the table - but that was awhile ago. Meantime He-Who-Talk-Only-To-Higher-Father [HIM??!!!!] is Free-World leader for another near 200 days. Everyone's spooked about an "October Surprise" in Iran. I dissent not just from glandular optimism but also from the "Don't Shit Where You Eat" rule. Halliburton's in the neighborhood. Dubai's WAY bigger and better than Vegas and there's no "colored side of town." Don't ask me. I was the Shrink who couldn't make a silk purse out of NARTH Executive Director Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D. The "Vision Thing," I guess."


Joe said...

"New pragmatism"

That is pithy and frightening.

Doctor Bawb said...

Bubs; Years of Sensitivity Training tells me the entry left you... well, "frightened" and possibly "pithy" too.

What can I say? Lemme invite you and any others this "bummed out" to join Eric Idle's sing-along: "I LIKE CHINESE!"

Got me hummin' along in Australian Concert time! Here 'tis!