Monday, February 18, 2008

It's plain embarrassing when Dr. Bawb keeps yammering on like a damn Tree-Frog on speed!

All too true. My sweet bride's not here to give the Gender Specific
"Robert-it's-time-to-go-home!" look. I do have my first-born's eyes glazing over if what I say or do exceeds the limits of her Hummingbird weltanschaaung. And there's my late, great dad: "Say Thank you, then get the hell off the stage!" Such training extends to writing two straight Blawg Entries on the Disability Movement. Enough already! Bad manners and Hillary are like Herpes Simplex. Best to move on. Both will be there in our respective "desperate 3:00AMs of the soul" as Scott Fitzgerald once wrote.

Maybe today's question should be: When was the exact moment that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid [D. Nev] became less of a Man than Rep. Barbara Lee [D. CA]? [Or: "less of a person" for Feminist readers.] "There are Things man was not meant to know!" was the closing line of half the low-budget, 1950s sound-dubbed Japanese monster flicks that gobbled up Saturday afternoons like Pac-Man Dots as the future Dr. Bawb stared mindlessly at his parent's Hoffman E-Z Vision TV.

Today Barbara Lee and other members of the End The War Now! caucus ran into [UNTIL FOREVER MORE HERE] Majowity Weader Hawwy Weid's new wimp-out for doing nothing about this ghastly mistake of war. Hawwy is "SQUEEZED FOR TIME." Lemme 'splain: All Out-of-Iraq stuff is now to go to a higher purpose: ELECTING MORE DEMOCRATS. Effing breath-taking, eh? You can read the slimeball details here. Complained the magnificant Rep. Barbara Lee: "I couldn't even get this [Resolution] through the Rules Committee last Spring!"

There you have it Sports and Religion fans: What's a few more GI's mutilated or killed so Nancy Pewosi [sic] and Hawwy Weid [sick] get
to hold onto and increase their power. Never trust a Chicken-Dove As a lifelong By-My-Bare-White-Fingertips Jew as any Jew gets, it was dad who told me never forget forget that I'm Jewish. Never did during all 38-years married to my Sunday-School teaching bride. As true as this moment that promise remains in place. Assuming, as Isaac Bashevis Singer wrote, "To be Jewish is to believe in miracles," I s'pose I need one from Obama. Absent any miracles, a Democratic President with integrity will do fine.

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