Sunday, February 17, 2008

"Disabled people in California live better in prison than out and free."

The Moderator of Friday morning's Disability Panel to which I was invited hit it dead-on. Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger [pictured right] is actually a silly millimeter's better than his recalled Democratic predecessor, Gov. Gray Davis. 7-11s have no fear of a SpazMobile-powered armed robbery [mine, at least] just to get 8-20 years of free secure housing, three meals a day plus health and dental care.

Dr. Bawb's in the 99th-percentile of California's Developmentally Disabled. I live in a house in a choice LA neighborhood. It's PAID FOR! My late, great dad bought it in 1954 for $26,000. He worked overtime to pay it off. Ex-attorney Paulette came THAT CLOSE to owning the place outright when dad died in 1988. A bright, young hustler can't find easier pickings than a blind, dying old man, his elderly wife and their D.D. son. Ex-attorney Paulette pled guilty to two Felony Counts, surrendered her Law License and spent ONE NIGHT in the Slam. The good news? Paulette's got two more strikes before she does serious time in one of Guv Gray's or Guv Arnold's Bechtel-built prisons. All this thanks to Law and Order pols like Governor Shwarznegger, Gray Davis and both Clintons. T'was Paulette's bad luck to pick the dad of the third Cerebral Palsied Psych Ph.D. in American history.

But how about thousands of D.D.'s no better nor worse than me who can't fend off hordes of scam artists? How about D.D.s as bright as my best day ever who are lucky if they have a BELOW MINIMUM WAGE sheltered workshop gig? Who's gonna speak for people like me who need help to drink from a full glass? And let's not even go near losing what little they do have to hustlers bright or dumb but have the same moral code as Ex-lawyer Paulette? Why Arnold and Bill and Hillary already speak for us. It's what they do. They speak for all us D.Ds. Trust them! The way my sightless, dying dad trusted Ex-Attorney Paulette.

So thanks Billary and Arnold! And lest a geriatric, diehard Pittsburgh Steeler fan forget: "Gee! Thanks, Mean Joe!"

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