Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Doctor Bawb shakes off 24-hr. case of Obama Comedown Syndrome!

Today's David Brooks column cured my brief, nasty bout of 24-hour O.C.S. I'll cop to yesterday's "Squeezed for time" disgusto by Senate Majowity Weader Hawwy Weid repulsing me past reason. That meant ignoring the counsel of my Chi-town buddy Joe O'Shaughnessy http://sprawlingramshacklecompound.blogspot.com/. Months ago, Joe wrote of Obama: "Never trust ANYONE who's a product of Illinois state politics." Bawb's total memory of Ilinois and Chi-town is decent pizza, the Art Institute and being ripped off $700.00 by a smirking garage owner who "fixed' my VW Beetle in 1970, stranding me at the YMCA five endless days.
10,000 pardons, Joe and everyone else. I got plucked like an Out-of-Town, Left Coast Rube. While hunting my dad's books for an FDR bio I haven't read, here's David Brooks on my dazed, confused 12 hours.

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