Saturday, February 2, 2008

Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe! Tease-A-Tiger-And-It's-a-Fox-Show!!! Well
not just yet. OTOH a Northwestern University physicist did the math: Can a 350-pound Siberian Tiger leap 33-feet over a 12-foot fence to chew on the teens who tormented it? Sure can! By now Creative Juices at Fox Entertainment noting Beavis and Butthead survived, have read and kinda understand Dr. Ryed's paper. Hmmm: Right Age- Demographic. If we can't teach them to read Cue Cards, we get Tracey Ullman to "Voice Over" for both of em! Yeah, those guys'll be stars by Sweeps-Time. By the way, what's Dennis Miller doing? Dennis, you'll recall has tumbled from Flat Earth Left icon with TV Talk Shows, book contracts, a Supporting Actor career and driving way expensive sports cars to his role as Designated Pronoucer of real hard words for Fox's Sean Hannity.

Dennis, like Doctor Bawb is from Pittsburgh. We of the For Now silent Steeler Nation tend to be loyal to a fault to our own. Absent a Super Bowl, the Burgh is nasty and depressing at this time of year. So when Dennis and his giant but fragile ego was signed up to be #3 in the Monday Night Foo'ball booth with LA's Al Michaels and John Madden.I'd heard the same bad stuff from two sources about Dennis, his new Porsche [or Lambo?] versus Dennis' staff of $400 a week writers at HBO/CBS TV City.
Believing in Rehab I thought: "Even MWTC called me a Putz when it fit. Maybe Dennis has wised up." Wrongo! Less important than Dennis pissing off a jangling cube of Ouch Nerves like John Madden was his Gatling-Gun assault of irrelevance on a TV audience like me. People who just wanted Dennis to STFU so they could watch on the damn game! Trust a voluntarily retired Spaz Shrink: Denny's analogies not only were flatter than Kelsey's Nutmeg, most of em were non-sequitors. Ain't nice to piss off your $400 a week writers by flashing YOUR new Porsche after accepting an Award that THEY WON!

With Dennis' career now in the crapper, it's all the Liberal Media's Fault! Hey, tomorrow's Stupor Bowl 42. I promised Miz Tara in South Carolina I'd sorta watch and verrrrrrrry reluctantly hope her Patz stay perfect. A promise is a promise which doesn't mean I have to overtly root for Coach Bellicheat and HIS Dennis Miller paranoia. Right Tiger?

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