Friday, June 13, 2008

Wednesday, saw my Bride. Tim Russert 86ed working. Given the options, it's not a bad way to go.

At WORK I mean. Not 'Quick' or 'Sudden' or 'Painlessly' or any other of the euphemisms typical of funeral
occasions. Russert may not have been the best newsman or TV Cross-Examiner ever but he wasn't the worst either. FoxNews proves this every Quarter Hour on the Quarter Hour. To my knowledge Russert never humiliated his audience or himself like grown-ups Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos did six weeks ago* [In Pa. Debate, The Clear Loser Is ABC When Barack Obama met Hillary Clinton for another televised Democratic candidates' debate last night, it was.....another step downward for network news] ff;??* NOTE! Use of the term "Grownups" disqualifies Mr. Hannity [Left; Shown with optional eyebrow controls] and the rest of the National FoxNews Team. Anyway Tim Russert even wrote a book in praise of his dad while the old man was around to appreciate and/or be embarrassed by it. The man did good.

Wednesday wasn't the first time I'd visited my wife the Christian since getting the new SpazMobile.

She was up, at 'em and as alert as she gets since her 4/11/2005 stroke which ended my 24/7 /365 home watch. You do what you can do and no more. Only you yourself know what that is. After that you do it for as long and the best you can. When the Unknowable-Except-By-You Point comes You, Or I, Don't Pour Hot Wax Over Your Psyche! Further, you, or I, don't allow anyone else to pour it over you either!

If you did everything you could there isn't anything else thing left. Sure you forgot to do stuff! Who doesn't forget to do stuff? Did they show up to tell you when it was "nervous time?" If not, chill. My bride showed me over and over again for 40-years. Everyone should be as fortunate. She, my Bride, hasn't yet placed me, that I know of, in a dilemma similar to the husband's in Sara Polley's wonderful "Away From Her" When or if that time comes, it will be still another adjustment for me to make. Ford knows the adjustments my bride made. Our bargain remains in effect. Consider this: Tomorrow is my First Born's Baby Shower. MyGawd! Prior to noon I thought these were Ladies Only thangs. You learn stuff every day [See First-Born below].

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