Monday, June 16, 2008

"The Decider" #1 in a Let's-See-If-This-Flies-Anywhere-At-All! series.

Chronicle of a journey from youthful
know-it-all to old-fart astonishment.

Americans dislike throwing away anything including their disgraced and disgraceful Presidents. The one above (Not Elvis) became an Elder Statesman and has his Presidential Library in nearby, to me at least, Yorba Linda, CA. I keep putting a visit there off. At first the excuse was "I'll have to keep a straight face." Not necessary, I'm told. Anthony Hopkins played him for Oliver Stone His name came up anytime Major League Baseball looked for a new Commissioner. He and son-in-law David Eisenhower chose a quite creditable all-time all-star baseball team during his Presidency. An Opera is named for him.
One President and several fomer Presidents showed up to eulogize him and U
.S. tax-dollars ($4000 worth) went towards digging up then re-burying Checkers, the Cocker Spaniel credited with saving his boss' ass when Dwight Eisenhower wanted him off the 1952 GOP ticket for a penny ante precursor of Watergate. Not even an eye-blink when you think of Iraq or Afghanistan much less Gulf War I or Grenada, but I digress as will nearly all geriatrics including the "Second Childhood"
(or is this still my first?) smart-ass I've become. Waste not, want not.

Passions running as they do about Mr. Bush it may seem premature to think about what a President with Approval Ratings in the Mid- to Low 20-somethings can do. Before you say "Just go away and leave us alone!" let's return to Mr. Nixon. Sure, John Dean was Presidential Counsel, did time and learned enough from his experience to reinvent hinself
Sure Dean made dough outta Watergate. Who didn't? This IS still America! Dean's still GOP but the current WH
crew gave him a new book writing career. This outfit's made a comparatively evolved liberal outta Kevin Phillips. Phillips invented Nixon's Southern Strategy, sports fans!

That's what kept the GOP winning election after election for a generation, gave you Ronald Reagan and gave Democratic Party "Wise Men" like Bob Shrum the delusions of Karl Rove's powers. That Rove was Pittsburgh Steeler Hall of Fame linebacker Jack Lambert in a Fat-Guy Suit. "FOCUS!" as Lambert used to scream at his Steel Cutrain and Super Bowl champ teammates when I was young and dumb. Or younger and dumber. A new day's here. No one's ever been able to Re-Do five-seconds worth of Past. Marcel Proust put 20-years and 4000 pages into trying
Trust a Shrink this one time.

Me? As this screed's entry put it earlier, I'm an old fart with a new wheel-chair. My first grandkid's due next month. My twin boys are teenagers and better than I in some ways, not as good in others. Nobody drinks or dopes or deals and that's all anyone can ask. I'll show up again at the VA where I volunteer, mostly shut-up and never ever say: "I know how you feel!": Since I don't know how anyone else feels, that's half the battle. GeeDub will, like Nixon, land on his feet without my wasting time or keystrokes on his future . A few VA guys have no feet to land on. They do their best, I do mine. Carpe deum!

carpe diem........ sieze the day
carpe deum........ god is a fish
carpe carpe....... sieze the fish
crape diem........ bad day
carpe diem........ complain daily
carpe per diem.... sieze the checkc
carpe canem....... sieze the dog
carpe devo........ sieze the record
carnivore carpe.... RUN!!
carpe calypso.... .sieze the DAY-O or sieze the dance or sieze the boat
carpe Teva........sieze the sandal
carpe noctum...... sieze the night
carpe horribilis.. sieze the ugly bear
carpe badjokius... sieze the teller of these jokes

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