Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dobson: "Hoop Documentary Is Newest 'Barack Obamanation' Of Our Traditional American Family!"

Chronicle of a journey from youthful
know-it-all to old-fart astonishment.

Author/Psychologist James Dobson stopped short of endorsing presumptive GOP nominee John S. McCain today but warned the traditional American family could soon be a thing of the past if Barack Obama becomes President of the United States. It was the first time Dobson has mentioned the Illinois Senator from his "Focus On The Family" headquarters in Colorado Springs. "You're all waiting for me to say Barack Hussein Obama, aren't you?" chuckled the folksy, consersative 71-year old spiritual guide for tens of millions of Evangelical Christians. "But I don't need to."

Taking questions at a scheduled press conference, Dobson was at the podium with California psychologist, Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, who Dobson refers to as America's top authority on pre-verbal and early childhood homosexuality. Dr. Nicolosi, Founding Executive Director of NARTH, deferred all questions to Dobson when asked his opinion of "Obamanation." "Of course Joe's capable of answering for himself," said a smiling Dobson. "Joe's a partner at "Focus On The Family." Joe doesn't need any more trick questions from the Obama-Cult media and frankly neither do I." Dobson apparently referred to the Nicolosi-Anderson Cooper tiff following his talk Dobson reiterated "Focus'" dissatisfaction with McCain despite his warm endorsement from President Bush. "We're vetting and vetting but we don't want to be fooled even once, let alone twice."

"Where the rubber meets the road is yet a new threat to decency and tradition," continued Dobson. "Can Mom and Dad expect the Lord to bless dinner when Grace is mocked by a Junior or a Sis who dress and look like this?" Dobson pointed to an easel-sized head-shot of head-band wearing Allen Iverson of the Denver Nuggets.

"I don't claim to know the Lord's will," concluded Dobson. "I'm as good a sports fan as the next man. But the Democrat Party's nominee can set traditional family values back to the hippy 1960s. Can we afford this? I speak as a psychologist and call it an Obamanation." Dobson concluded with several YouTube videos of head-band wearing slam dunks and excoriated filmmaker Spike Lee's "He Got Game" for naming a high-school basketball star Jesus


Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Bawb,

Do you have any links or specifics on this press conference that we could investigate? I couldn't find anything but it looks worth checking. My email is if you do.

You don't need to post this as it's not really a comment. I also couldn't find any email addy for you so this was it ;)


David Roberts
Ex-Gay Watch

Doctor Bawb said...

Mygawd, David -

APOLOGIES! I wrote this as a "dead-pan" spoof on BOTH Dobson AND Nicolosi!

First; I was in Grad School at USC about two-years behind Dobson. He was '66, I was '68. With from-birth cerebral palsy you'd have to be Comatose NOT to recognize me. Dobs and I had ZILCH in common. We might have nodded in passing but nothing else. Was ONLY after he became semi-famous [ca. 1980s] that I vaguely recalled him.

Nicolosi was, literally,
"something else." I'd been licensed, worked at an LA outpatient clinic and had a reputation as a good Pre-and Post-Doc supervisor. Joe showed up among 6 great pre-docs. He was
amazingly "Obtuse."

Wasn't just a Gay Thing: He was "So bad, he was good!" to papaphrase film critic Dwight McDonald. I phoned his school to ask: "How did this guy get into any college much less Grad School?" Nicolosi was gone the next week.

Hey! Don't blame me:)