Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hey Look! A Potentially USEFUL Blog Entry! And a "P.C." Apology!

Chronicle of a journey from youthful
know-it-all to old-fart astonishment.

You bet that's Mantan Moreland and Benson Fong pictured there! When I was a kid Benson portrayed the inscrutable Chinese Detective Charlie Chan's #1 Son. Mantan was kept busy chauffuring Charlie and/or others in the family's gasoline guzzling LaSalle limosine with lines expected from a superstitious, intellectually challanged black supporting actor. Like: "Mist' Chan! Mist' Chan! Ah knows an' you knows but do de Ghos' know?" And: Feets! Do yo' stuff!" Nor did a Chinese ever play Charlie .Oh the days when we ALL knew our places.

Relax! This isn't gonna be a tedious sermonette plea for "Tolerance" as they called it then. Yeah that's a power wheelchair like mine. But mine doesn't have Pittsburgh Steeler rims like Timmy's. Team logo Wheelchair Rims aren't yet part the overpriced made in Guatemala crap the NFL hustles. Think I'll rant about a fake TV character like Bush Veep Dan
Quayle ranted about Candice Bergin's single mom character? Mama mia!You make-a da beeg-a joke on-a poor Doctor Bawb, Mister Soprano! I'm a elderly Blue Collar Shrink with an equal-opportunity tasteless mockery blog. According to Truthiness Enyclopedia, "Murphy Brown" also served as an aide to Vice-President Quayle.

Anyway I promised a "Useful Entry" and so here's that part: a Blog ago I introduced Jayden Robert Starr, my first grand-kid who came home yesterday.

My amazing next-door neighbors the Woods been by with great stuff that I either got outta USC Grad School textbooks, then "winged it" with our own three. Sharon now heads what now is
USC's on-campus facility for really teeny kids. And three-weeks early, Jayden qualifies as "teeny." It's all a bit foreign to Doctor Bawb's mental map. Plus LA's been in a king-hell heat wave lately. Following is a long distance Cyber-Colloquy between a terrific friend in Hawaii, Claudia Woodward-Rice and me.

Claudia was as concerned as I re the possible adverse effects of a NON-AIR-CONDITIONED HOUSE (OURS) ON LITTLE JAYDEN. Frankly, so was I!! If even I could "get it," y'all will have no problem. It might even help someone else out there. Bon chance!

We're fine, Claudia.

Sharon and Tim from next door have been helping out from jump. Their house and mine are the two places WITHOUT A/C - but here's what I've learned so far: Sharon has had three kids and now takes care of teeny kids at USC full-time. According to her no A/C is no "biggie." Believe me, they can easily afford it. Newborns like Jayden PREFER WARMTH! She taught Asenath how to swaddle the kid [which word was just a word til yesterday].

I have a ceiling fan that does me fine. Sharon and Tim have em in every Second Floor room where her 97-y.o. mom was staying so, again: no A/C, no foul! I bought a BIG floor-model fan since their room DOESN'T HAVE one on the ceiling. "Not necessary" said both Asenath and Sharon. Heat-wave breaks tomorrow. Whole new' 'at.

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