Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Today is my Bride's birthday, and so I brought cake enough for all Residents and Staff.

Today is my Bride's birthday, and so I brought cake enough for all Residents and Staff. Today is my Bride's birthday, and so I brought cake enough for all Residents and Staff. Chocolate fudge, decorated elegantly by the bright, middle-aged Chicano man who had me print "M A X I NE" on his legal notepad and smiled "correcto!" before writing Happy Birthday! in white icing and elegant penmanship across the cake's shiney, dark, roseate-covered top. MWTC'sface lights up happily as usual. Her syntax remains scrambled and hopelessly indecipherable. Still she called me by name once:"Robert" is clear, distinct and the first time she identifies me in six visits over a nearly three week period. This glimpse of My Bride of 38-years through her Alzheimer's cloud and taking my hand in hers sends me home gratified (Why?) and thankful (For what?). But the feeling remains through this moment, hours afterward.Coincidentally actress Julie Christie has won the Golden Globes Best Actress Award for portraying an Alzheimer's-stricken wife in"Away From Her." during the past week. The coincidence is greater because my Blog reveals me as a sucker for every Julie Christie movie ever made" My fandom began in 1963 with "Billy Liar" her first movie made years before MWTC and I met: my Avatar is that very Video's cover. Recently my First-Born told me "Billy Liar" was on cable TV. The same young, happy Julie Christie but the plot is far darker than I'd recalled. Plus I was then and continue to be a Bullshit Artist as opposed to being a pathologic liar. A tyrannical conscience, my 'Self-Control Freak' and growing up with a brutally honest dad, then afterwards 38-years with my equally truth-telling bride saved me from Pathologies 'X' but lowered my immunity to Pathologies 'Y.' Nothing worth having comes free.MWTC was on the Easter Seal Society's State Board of Directors when we married in 1970 and completed the second of her two terms. Shortly after this she was chosen as California Delegate to the White House's ceremony for National Hire the Disabled Month. MWTC declined. Shocked, her fellow Board Members asked her why. "I know Maxine," replied MWTC."And I know that when I shake Mr. Nixon's hand I will ask him: 'Why are we having Hire the Disabled Month when we're in Vietnam creating disabled people?' Going myself I'd say that. Going as your Delegate I refuse to embarrass you.

"Aside from helping make me a better guy than anyone had reasons to predict from jump, MWTC helped me to concentrate on things which were or are within my control and to live, however reluctantly, with what is beyond controlling: Alzheimer's; Iraq; Clinton-Bush-Cheney stupidity; Sub-prime disaster; the Pittsburgh Steelers dying like dogs in the playoffs. They tell me Rush Limbaugh's a big-time Steeler fan - which reminds me: I don't drink or dope. Two outta three ain't bad


Joe said...

Hey Bawb, happy birthday to your better half!

That was a great post.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, my friend! I know Maxine had a great time and everyone enjoyed the cake.
Many happy returns to your bride, and many more Julie Christie movies as well.

Doctor Bawb said...

Grazie, y'all. Yesterday's note from my First Born follows.