Thursday, January 17, 2008

Busty Billboard Divorce Law, $4.00 Microscopes, and one more reason AOL outsources to India.

Chicago Law removed this billboard some months ago for, dispsaraging the dignity of Chi-town Divorce Lawyers, Shrinks, Family Counselors and maybe whores in general. I like the thoughts expressed even as a married, over-the-hill Shrink who loves his sweet wife, his kids and has been staring for some years down the gun-barrel of mortality's .45 Glock Automatic. But so must we all at one point or another. I'd bet the Cook County Bar Association wasn't thinking Family Sancity First! when preparing it's Cease-and-Desist Order versus the entrepeneurship of the curvacious lady who stands akimbo in front of her advertisement for herself.

Fees-For-Service from L.A. Divorce Law and Divorce Law everywhere go in large part towards paying tuition fees charged by their own kids' private schools and universities. Doctor Bawb himself is fogey-enough to be a product of the California public school system. It was never a great system but for all it's failings, inefficiencies and Dumbth-in-General it worked! Then came California's Governor Ronald Reagan and the United States public school system, older than the Nation itself, began its Long Goodbye journey straight to hell.

So exactly what WILL life in the USA be like when reading ends? Kinda like it is now, just more crowded. Here in LA, goes a bad, inaccurate joke, 60% of everyone is working on a TV script. Those who can't read or write RAP! But the Original Rappers have been replaced by Rappers pretending to be illiterate. Truly De-Schooled US youth once sat behind bullet-proof glass booths at 24-Hour Serve-Youself gas stations. Big Oil then figured out that "illegals" will do the same things for less per hour. I haven't checked Education Levels of the self-appointed "Minute Men" who guard our southern borders but a Dissertation's awaiting someone.

Why can't U.S. AOL Customers who need help reach our own vast pool of bright De-Schoolers? Because US De-Schoolers are so busy trying to pass tests required by "No Child Left Behind" they CAN'T HELP! Thus we who need help reach eager young people in India who CAN HELP! How'd kids in India get so smart? Well they arent. Honest! Trust a Shrink here. Charles Murray's "Bell Curve" idiocy aside, consider the $4.00 Microscope from India. "[The Microscope] has opened up a whole new world for these children who could never have imagined an ant's tiny antennae or that a dragonfly's wings contain such beautiful patterns and colors." This while U.S. children dream of X-Box updates. Oh; 'They hate us for our freedom!"

And so we come full circle: Back to the busty Chicago Divorce Lawyer whose billboard was scrapped by the Cook County Bar Ethics folks. No doubt this was applauded by the Family Values honks - none of which players have a truly functioning U.S. Public Education system close their goals. Hillary AND Barack each can afford a good private education for their respecctive kids. Nothing wrong;. I'd do as much for mine. BTW which President n my lifetime HASN'T been "The Education President?"

My kids were jerked around by a dumbass system when my sweet bride, their only mom, developed Alzheimer's Disease. Luckly, Poppa hadn't forgotten his public education. I'll tutor them for their SAT's. They'll be fine. It'll keep me outta pool-halls too. It's the kids without public school educated people around who worry me.

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