Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dear John and Barack. I am not a Conspiracy Theory nut. But where the hell was Kucinich last night?

Common Wisdom has it that a Cocker Spaniel could beat the GOP next November. Remember November 2000 (and December and January 2001?)Back then the GOP beat Vice-President, now Nobel Laureate Al Gore with a Shih-tzu and a Chancellor? This isn't to say the 43rd President is a Shih-tzu. He's brighter and a son of the 41st President. Semi-literate U. S. Presdents are not new:
Zachary Taylor was one. Warren G. Harding in 1920 might have been another. The Devilishly handsome Harding won big in the first Only Prez election where women could vote. In elections since, women have mostly redeemed themselves from that first Shock and Awe.

Remember when Justice Sandra Day O'Connor resigned fom the U.S. Supreme Court? This happened while Chancellor Cheney's personal Pit-Crew was busy changing his Motion-Sensors and recharging his Death-Ray Faser. Our President, left to his own devices, nominated White House Advisor and personal lawyer Harriet Miers to replace Justice O'Connor. Miers never made her Senate Confirmation hearing. Then-Judiciary Chairman Arlen Spector was underwhelmed by Miers' ability to pour piss outta the Presidential Boot. Given the preliminary form required of ANY lawyer nominated to ANY judgeship, Miers was unable to complete hers. What Miers did fill out was called by Spector "embarrassing." Our Chancellor's Pit-Stop over, Meirs got The Hook, John Roberts batted for O'Connor. Then: Bill Rehnquist Out, Sam Alito In. All's well that ends Far Right!

Which brings Dr. Bawb to last night's Democratic bore- AKA Debate -by the cream of MSNBC's Gravitas-Meisters. But YOU, John Edwards! Mygawd: Dennis Kucinich was excluded from participating just 45-minutes before the debate's start by Nevada's Court of Appeals. I was fresh from UCLA's Dental Clinic, shot the hell up with enough Novicaine to satisfy half the Crackheads who hang by my down-the-block 7-11. This, I thought accounted for boredom with that Vegas love-fest EVEN with Hillary - OUR MAGGIE THATCHER - smirking next to you and Barack. No damn way!!

I'm a Pittsburgh Steeler lifer. Dennis was once Cleveland's Mayor who, I'd wager, grew up cheering for the Brownzos before they became the Baltimore Ratbirds. Only Dennis speaks for COUNTERPOINT from the potential 24-years of Bush-Clinton Crapola! HEY: if Dennis looked like Dennis and spoke like....well, ME, today he'd be Head Guard at Cleveland's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! In 2000, Tony Scalia appointed a Shih-Tzu President. Last night you never called Hillary and her MSNBC booster-Child Tim Russert out!

Hey, you're still my guy, assuming you and Barack really CAN'T be bought. Like, you know: Bill Clinton's Spine. But no one's perfect.

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