Sunday, January 6, 2008

"EXTLA! White Tohnado Reave Michelle Obama Kitchen! Head To China! Wah-Maht Supah-Stohs Make BIG Tahget! You RIKE!"

Let's tear away MSNBC's Chris Matthews screeching that New Hampshire's vote is a bigger upset than Truman beating Dewey in 1948, touch on the unspeakable (Hillo GOT MORE VOTES THAN Barack Obama) and consider news far, far from Matthews Universal Time: China's declared war on White Pollution!

I find this way more engrossing than Tuesday's mud wallow. Out of sight between San Fransico and Hawaii in no-man's-land is a Twice-the-Size-of-Texas 3.5-million ton stew of plastic trash called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch Sea turtles mistake clear plastic bags for Jellyfish. Birds swoop down to swallow indigestable shards of plastic - 98% of which begins its journey to the Garbage Patch as on-shore beach front litter. Should birds and sea mammals survive that, their stomachs fill with plastic and starvation follows. Natural decomposition of most of this toxic contintinent is measured by decades if not longer.

Cleaning up isn't an option. Best case scenario? Do no more harm. With winds blowing and circular ocean currents, it's the perfect place for trapping what we don't need. Greenpeace has watched the Garbage Patch grow for over 10-years and compiled a 2006 Report
"Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans." Alarmed, the California Coastal Commission introduced a decently regorous set of proposed beach anti-litter laws. These died fast thanks to lobbyists from the Plastics Industry.

So let's hear it for the Chinese War on White Pollution - which is what they call plastic polution. AND NO,I DON'T WANNA LIVE THERE EITHER by the way! Waiters in Chinese Restarants used to get all impatient with me trying to stammer-out the names of the dish or dishes I wanted to order: "What you lound-eye fliend say?" Chinese waiters would snap at anyone I happened to be sitting with or near. "I no undahstand him! He got dollah to pay to eat?" Pissed me off enough to imitate, verbally and in writing, the occasional brusque rudenesses of these rushed and underpaid Oriental minions. Hey - I'm an old fart now and way more patient. I'm disgustingly polite too. Amazingly, so are they. So here's the proposition:

China sics it's Plastic-Bag War on Wal-Mart, I don't write any more racist tasteless phonetics of Chinese Engrish - sorry, ENGLISH! Deal? I mean try to get that good outta Chris Matthews or any damn GOP- or Dem Candidate "handler!'

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