Saturday, May 17, 2008

Barack Buyer's Remorse [Early Edition]

Chronicle of a Shrink's journey from youthful
know-it-allness to old-fart astonishment.

It's been awhile since the Revelator's most recent post. John Edwards was still in the race for the Democratic Party's nomination. Look: Edwards was, is, always will be a Politician but so was FDR. Maybe Edwards WAS one more 2008 Con! Still I LIKED his con. Better than I like Barack's and the Gawd Awful Billary. HOPE? Last time I voted Hope was 1992 and Hillo plus the Con Man From Hope. Herman Melville never wrote better

I was a six-year old Revelator on 4/15/45 when the most recent President NOT to be our own National Car Hood-Ornament had his cerebral hemmorhage. At the fatal moment FDR was in Georgia, having his portrait-painted by Missy Lehand, a woman not his wife. Ms. Lehand was his secretary and not noted for her Portature, Presidential and otherwise Lordy! What Would Hagee Say? What Would Dobson Do? A far too-easy question, you'll agree.

My future fellow USC alum and two years my senior was not yet "Author" nor "Psychologist" [Jim hates to be called "Reverend" - a preference I'm happy to honor] and likely has better recall than I of that day. Memories differ. Dobson'd say it was God's judgement, I'd say "Why?" But that sums up how two California State Licensed shrinks see the world. No! I let mine lapse 15-years ago when an ENT guy showed my vocal cords on TV and said one had done the work of two all the time. Fine. A 55-year parts warranty seems fair. What ISN'T fair would be to test kids in South Central with a voice sounding like Brando's "Orange-Peel" death scene in The Godfather. So I quit Shrinery on the spot and became a Mediator. Back to Barack and buyer's remorse:

So far Barack's best moment wasn't even his own. That moment belongs to Will I Am of the Black-Eyed Peas who put together a kick-ass YouTube of "Barack's Best Moment." This brings us FULL CIRCLE to the other day to John Edwards and his Barack endorsement. John spent the first five minutes praising the fatally-wounded Hillary. So what happened? Barack-Lemmings booed her name each time! And BARACK JUST LET 'EM! "Holy crap!" as Cartman says. Surely Comedian Rush Limbaugh didn't stack the rally to P.O. the Billary Lemmings! So what to be drawn from all this?

Sick as I am of Chancellor Cheney's two terms? Hey:BIG MEDIA ALLOWED Y'ALL TO MAKE THE EDWARDS CAMPAIGN A NON-FACTOR!

In short, Edwards woulda cleaned the Straight-Talk Express's clock. Like FDR over Landon. Or at the very worst, like the Giants over the "Perfect Pats" in SB42 .

Not a lot to add except

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