Monday, December 31, 2007

Pimp My Rice Paddy!

Those in Japan who celebrate New Year's Day did so hours ago. If we truly are a small world (remembering as all Pols everywhere must that we are NEVER "One World!") what difference can a few Time Zone make? Happy New Year!

Matt Yglesias, one-time Federal Prosecutor who no one at the White House recalls having fired, is on a tear re CNN et als Fast-Track Canonization of Benazir Bhutto. Yglesias posts a 1998 New York Times profile strongly suggestive of Bhutto's being......well, an Imelda Marcos-class Kleptocrat during both her PM terms. Who knew? Absent current "Daily Shows" we're stuck with CNN hagiography. Sure you could try expat Pakistani scholars like Tariq Ali - but then the terrorists win! I wonder how in hell a world-class thief like Benazir could fall for Condi Rice's "Trust me, we've-got-your-back!" hustle. Condi is not Our Nation's most competent Secretary of State. And Dick Cheney is neither a member of the Senate nor the Executive. Who's a Pakistani Pol-cum-Saint-cum-Con Artist gonna believe? Well, for a mere $20,000 a week fee Benazir coulda hired famed Nixon-Reagan trickster Roger Stone to steer her right.

Roger's contempt for anything Bush is boundless; called a "State of the Art Sleazeball," with Nixon's picture tattooed on his back (Courtesy, "Ink Monkey" of Venice Beach, CA), with an "Account" like Benazir, it's even money she'd be alive. "Now" as Secretary Seward said moments after Abraham Lincoln's passing, "she belongs to the ages." The fruits of Matt Yglesias' research follows.

1 comment:

Joe said...


You have finally arrived--I must link to you directly.